Install and configure Apple Time Machine service on Solaris

I installed Netatalk on Solaris to backup my Macs, it works perfectly!

Here is the steps,

1. install bdb, this is needed by netatalk

cd build_unix
make install

2. install nettalk by running configure, make, make install

3. prepare disk. create the filesystem in ZFS and mount

zfs create -o mountpoint=/sp/timemachine sp/timemachine
zfs create -o mountpoint=/sp/timemachine/yang sp/timemachine/yang

4. configure Netatalk: afp.conf

; Netatalk 3.x configuration file
hostname = Solar
mimic model = RackMac
; [Homes]
; [My AFP Volume]
path = /sp/timemachine/yang
valid users = yang
time machine = yes

5. enable service

svcadm enable multicast
svcadm enable svc:/system/avahi-bridge-dsd:default
svcadm enable netatalk


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